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Sun. May 12 – Mother’s Day Hike on McCann Family Farm - 10:00 AM. Comfortable trail walk thru field and forest. Wild flowers and good bird-watching habitat.  Meet at the rear of the Somers Town Hall, 600 Main St., Rt. 190 near the intersection of Rt. 83. For questions, contact Albert Grant, 860-623-5487


Sat. June 1- Trails Weekend - 10:00 AM - We will follow blazed trails through the Land Trust’s premier 200+ acre, Whitaker Woods property, featuring woodland and a cow pasture. This approximately 2 ½ mile hike will be scenic, with bridge crossings and beautifully constructed and well-preserved stone walls. We will discuss the natural and land use history as well as local wildlife along the way. Meet behind the Somers Town Hall, 600 Main St., Rt. 190, near the intersection of Rt. 83 in the center of Somers. We will car pool to the trailhead. For questions, contact Albert Grant, 860-623-5487, albert_grant@sbcglobal.net.


Sun. June 16  -  Father’s Day Hike at Ernie Boothroyd and Bellante Preserve, Ellington - 11:00 AM. The 58-acre Ernie Boothroyd Preserve was acquired by NCLT in 2010. The Bellante Property is 36 acres abutting the Boothroid Preserve that was recently acquired. The hike will be about 2miles featuring abundant mountain laurel in bloom. From Stafford, take Tolland Ave south for 1.5 miles. The Boothroyd Preserve is on the right. Coming from the south; from the Tolland Green take Old Stafford Road (becomes Tolland Turnpike) 4.8 miles north to Ernie Boothroyd Preserve on the left. For further information contact leader Albert Grant, 860-623-5487


Sat. July 13 -  Family hike at Nipmuck Woods  in Stafford - 10:00 AM. Leisurely one mile walk on the newly created Nipmuck Adventure Path. We will be stopping along the way for stories and exploring the natural world including two very impressive glacial erratic boulders. Good event for families with children as well as anyone who enjoys being around children. Meet at the large pull-off on the south side of Rt. 190 a short distance past Rockwell Road, east of the center of Stafford Springs. For questions or additional information, contact trip leader Richard Bailey, 860-749-0061