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The Northern Connecticut Land Trust is a non-profit entity and it's strength and effectiveness come from our membership resources. The Land Trust has over 1900 acres in inventory and over $7 million dollars in total assets (mainly that of protected lands).
- Preserve open space
- Acquire easements for protection
- Assist landowners as a resource in their decision making process
- Educate in the area of conservation and its value
- Have an ongoing network of communication with town or state officials and individuals.
- Our membership provides crucial resources and support. Support can be critical time, energy or funds.
Via Mail:
Please complete and send with payment to:
Northern Connecticut Land Trust
PO Box 324
Somers, CT 06071
Att: Membership Chair
Volunteer Opportunities
NCLT relies solely on dedicated volunteers with a shared passion of protecting our natural resources.
Volunteer opportunities vary from newsletter contribution to tree planting. Whether you like to get your hands dirty or prefer inside work, NCTLT welcomes people of all ages and background to help make NCTLT the best it can be. Volunteers are notified by email or by phone when volunteers’ assistance is needed.
Interested in Getting Involved?
- Work Parties: Work parties are called upon throughout the year to do various outdoor projects, including building bridges and walkways, trail maintenance, brush removal, mowing, and planting flowers and trees. Volunteers for these events are expected to supply their own tools depending on the work involved, though extra tools may be available to share with those who don’t have the tools required.
- Property Steward: Be assigned one or more of NCTLT’s properties to oversee and report concerns to the Stewardship Chairperson. This may involve walking the trails a few times per year and checking boundaries for encroachment.
- Bluebird Trail Monitor: NCLT has maintained a bluebird trail on McCann Family Farm in Somers for several years. Duties include checking nest boxes, nest identification, and nest box maintenance. Training can be provided.
- Trail Mapping/GIS: People with this skill and equipment are in high demand.
- Hike Leader: Lead or co-lead hikes on various properties for the public and help with hike planning.

- Newsletter contributor: Landmark is NCTLT’s newsletter that is published a few times per year and is always in need of content. Topics can include a report on an NCTLT event or a topic on natural history.
- Public Relations: Help man NCLT booth at fairs and public events, assist with social media projects, take photographs at NCTLT events and properties, or create flyers for distribution
- Membership
- Volunteer Coordinator Assistant
- Event Organizer: Help organize the annual meeting and other events held throughout the year
- Serve on Board of Directors to assist in making decisions that will last more than a lifetime!