Home > 2024 NCLT Annual Report

2024 NCLT Annual Report

2024 NCLT Annual Report

1900 Acres – listing of properties and Bald Mountain Trails map.

President’s Letter:   This year, we successfully protected another 54 acres of vital open space in Stafford known as the Dix property, which was generously donated by the Dix Place, LLC, a family organization. A donation like this has many benefits. It provides the family with the opportunity for a major charitable deduction on federal income taxes, contributes to the State’s and NCLT goals of preserving the natural resources of Connecticut, and provides additional opportunities for passive recreation to the public.

We continue to make great strides in trail maintenance of our 24 miles of hiking trails on 14 properties across multiple towns. These trails provide safe, scenic routes for hikers and nature enthusiasts in the area, and safeguard wildlife habitats, forest, and wetlands, and ensure that future generations will enjoy access to some of Northern Connecticut’s most pristine landscapes.